6 Pre-baby Mat Leave activities

By 02:37:00

1. Baby Shower

Becoming popular in the UK, baby showers are a nice way to catch up with all your friends before the birth of your child and a fun way to spend an afternoon playing games and opening presents.

2.  Shop

Shop for baby essential & basics for the arrival of the new born. There are so many gadgets and gizmos that are available, do your research and speak to friends who have had children about what items were actually useful and required.

3. Pamper yourself 

Take this opportunity to pamper yourself: get a haircut, manicure, pedicure or massage. Once the baby arrives these luxuries will be alot harder to enjoy so do it while you can.

4. Organise 

Commonly known as the 'nesting' period although heavily pregnant many women spend the last few weeks before the arrival of a baby to reorganise their house. It might feel therapeutic but don't over do it, do it at a reasonable pace and be careful not to lift or carry anything heavy. 

5. Stay active 

It is easy in the last weeks to laze around on the couch. Try and walk everyday, muscles and joints get very stiff and all the extra weight can cause back pain.  keeping active will help make you feel energetic and at your best ready for child birth. 

6. Sleep 

Sleep as much as you can! When the baby comes uninterrupted sleep will be a distant memory. Sleep on your left hand side so that the baby gets maximum oxygen.  

What did you do on your Maternity Leave ?

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